Getting started with android app development

Getting started with android app development

To make your first app running download the android studio (app development software) from official website in the given link
After installing  android studio, run it on your operating system.

Your first app "Hello World"

In android studio, select File->New->New Project.

A new window with the title  "Configure your new Project" prompt on your desktop.
Fill the given field as mentioned
Application Name :Hello World  (It is your app's name ).
Company Domain  (It is your company's domain field).
Project location :C:\Users\user\HelloWorld  (You can change this location).
Now click "Next" Button.

A new window with the title  "Select the form factors your app will run" prompt on your desktop.
Select Phone and Tablet (which default selected field).
Minimum SDK :API 14:Android 4.0(IceCreamSandwich) (which is default selected value).
Now click "Next" Button.

A new window with the title  "Add an Activity to Mobile" prompt on your desktop.
Select "Empty Activity".
Now click "Next" Button.

A new window with the title  "Customize the Activity" prompt on your desktop.
Activity Name :Hello World
Select "Generate Layout File" option (which is default selected).
Layout Name : activity_hello_world (which is default written).
Now click "Finish"Button.

Building "Hello World" Gradle  project info will be prompt .It takes 1-2 minutes to activity development.

Now your first app  is developed Completely.

To run your app,you need virtual android device .
Select AVD Manager from  upper options. (forth from last icons).
A new window with the title  "Your Virtual Devices" prompt on your desktop.
Click on "Create Virtual Device" Button.
Select "Nexus 5X" phone.
Click "Next" button below.
Click "Next" button .
Set AVD Name :Android Device (It is your device's name).
Now finally click on "Finish" button.

Select Run->'Run app' or shift+F10.
Select "Android Device " (Android virtual device which you already created) to run app.
Click on "OK" button.
Your device takes 2-3 minutes to run.

Find your app with the name "Hello World" from  device.
Run it by clicking on it.
Congratulations you developed your first Hello World app which is running successfully on android device.

Please  write any help and suggestions in comment box to improve  android app development.


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